Natural wealth
for healthy digestion

Natural mineral water Donat is enriched
with minerals coming from the rocks,
that have a positive effect on our
digestion and general wellbeing.

combination of minerals

combination of minerals

Unique natural combination of five minerals is the secret recipe for the positive effects of Donat on regular functioning of the body and general wellbeing.

Donat is natural
and safe to drink

Our body does not need to get used to the effects of Donat because they are mechanical. Donat works on the principle of osmosis – sulphates draw water from the cells of the intestinal wall, which increases the volume of the intestinal content. The magnesium further relaxes the muscles along the digestive tract, which helps the sulphates promote and trigger peristalsis.


Beneficial on


Present minerals

Hydrogen carbonates

They provide adequate pH balance between esophagus and stomach. They bind acids to themselves and consequently reduce the burning sensation in case of a heartburn.


They are of the greatest importance for maintaining healthy digestion with a natural laxative effect, and they also improve blood circulation in the gastric lining.


Magnesium is part of more than 300 biochemical processes in the human body, indispensable for smooth digestion and bone hardness, and is also essential for normal heartrate.


It plays an important role in degradation of nutrients, bone health, normal functioning of the nervous, muscular, and cardiovascular system.

When should you
drink Donat?

Patient and doctor during an outpatient conversation.

When should you
drink Donat?

Donat is recommended by professional medical public for solving different issues, especially for preventive use and prevention of subsequent complications.

Check which problems we can solve and prevent and how to properly drink Donat to for it to be maximally effective:

Stimulates digestion
Magnesium deficiency
Bile secretion

This program of drinking Donat has been created in order to support the functioning of digestive system together with a diverse and balanced diet as part of a healthy lifestyle. This drinking program can be applied continuously and for a long time.

How to drink it: In the drinking program for stimulation of digestion Donat can be drunk continuously and for a long time. Drink it slowly and at room temperature three times a day:

In the morning, on an empty stomach
Before lunch
Before dinner
How much?
0,2 – 0,3l
0,1 – 0,2l

The drinking program in case of magnesium deficiency meets an increased daily need for magnesium and provides optimal absorption of magnesium.

How to drink it: In the program for supplementation of magnesium Donat can be drunk continuously and for a long time. Drink it slowly, cooled or at room temperature before each meal.

In the morning, on an empty stomach
Before lunch
Before dinner
How much?
0,2 – 0,3l
0,1 – 0,2l

The program accelerates bile secretion which is particularly important for lipid metabolism.

How to drink it: In the program for better bile secretion, Donat can be drunk for six weeks up to three times a year, with a gap of at least four weeks between each cure. Drink it slowly, three times a day, the first and third time warmed at 23-25 ​​°C and the second time during the day at room temperature.

In the morning, on an empty stomach
Before lunch
Before dinner
How much?
0,2 – 0,3l
0,1 – 0,2l

As a natural laxative, Donat is the best way to get rid of constipation. With the help of this drinking program, you will relieve the issue of constipation and establish regular and proper digestion.

How to drink it: Drink it fast, warmed at 30-37 ° C in the morning and at room temperature in the evening. In this program Donat can be drunk regularly or recurringly five days consecutively with a two-day break.

In the morning, on an empty stomach
Before dinner
How much?
0,2 – 0,3l

Drinking program for relieving the heartburn symptoms neutralizes gastric acid and removes the burning sensation in the stomach and esophagus.

How to drink it: Drink it slowly, sip by sip at room temperature. The program can be conducted continuously or with short breaks.

20 – 30 min before each meal or during a meal
How much?
0,1 – 0,2l

Have you decided to try
this drinking program?

Download the application which will make sure
that you never forget to drink Donat
in your chosen drinking program.

Have you decided to try
this drinking program?

Download the application which will make sure
that you never forget to drink Donat
in your chosen drinking program.